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Maimeri Blu Wasserfarben bestehen ausschieslich aus säubere Pigmente und Arabic Gum. Hiermit erzeugt man eine saubere, cleane, transparente Farbe. Keine Additiven wurden zu den Farben zugefügt. 


MaimeriBlu features an absolute purity of pigments that, together with gum arabic, compose the totality of the mixture. Imperceptible, transparent, clean. No blending powders, and no additives. Nothing harmonises or synchronises the shift between the various shades. The real value lies in the transparency of its colours and in the freshness of its washes. It is the whiteness of the paper that illuminates this type of painting. The light is behind the colour. 


Im Sortiment sind momentan 19 Farben aufgenommen:


098 Indian Yellow

112 Perm. Yellow Lemon

125 Orange Lake

167 Permanent Carmine

178 Perm. Madder Deep

262 Venetian Red

270 Dragon Blood

325 Hooker's Green

333 Green Gold

348 Viridian

358 Sap Green

402 Prussian Blue

417 Cerulean Sky Blue

431 Phtalo Turquoise

463 Perm Violett Blueish

473 Verzino Violett

492 Burnt Umber

493 Raw Umber

537 Carbon Black



Maimeri Blu Wasserfarbe - 1/2 Näpfchen

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